31 March 2020
Tuesday of the 5th Week of Lent

View the Mass Readings

In the first reading today, we hear of the Israelite’s and their mistrust in God’s providence once again. At the end of the reading they repent and trust in his mercy, but they needed to be reminded of his goodness. We too must let those reminders happen in our lives. Where does God show you he loves you in your daily life? Your morning cup of coffee? The sunrise? The sound of your kids giggling? Getting a phone call from a friend? There are many ways that God blesses us everyday, we need only to recognize them and give thanks.
In the Gospel reading, Jesus shows us how to have a relationship with the Father. Jesus says, “I do nothing on my own, but i say only what the Father taught me.” What are ways God is teaching us right now? Are we open enough to see what He’s trying to teach? Are we ready to grow in the ways he’s asking us to? At the end of the passage it says that many people came to believe in Him by the way he spoke. Do we listen to Jesus in a way that leads us to the Father? Do we do what is pleasing to God? I pray that we continue to draw closer to God, especially in this time when we need him the most.
God bless! Keep up the good work y’all! God is so proud of you 🙂


Let us Pray,

Grant us, we pray, O Lord,
perseverance in obeying your will,
that in our days the people dedicated to your service
may grow in both merit and number.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.