Infant or Young Child Baptism
O God, who bring us to participate in the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection of your Son, grant, we pray, that, strengthened by the spirit of adoption as your children, we may always walk in newness of life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Sacramental Preparation for Baptism
Baptism is no mere social convention, but the Sacrament in which Christ Himself purifies, justifies, and sanctifies (cf. 1 Peter 1:23) your son or daughter for eternal life. We rejoice with you in the birth of your child and look forward to welcoming him/her into the family of God and the communion of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church!
As you look toward the celebration of baptism for your son or daughter, we ask you to review the following information and then complete the Baptism Request Form which will help to guide our support of your family and preparation for the sacrament at our parish church. The Request Form can then be sent to the parish office.
The Process Toward Baptism at Saint Mary
- You must be a registered member of St. Mary of the Assumption parish. If you or your spouse were raised in St. Mary Parish and have since moved away, but one of your parents is a current member of St. Mary, your child may be baptized here if you receive permission from your parish pastor. The baptismal preparation process cannot begin until we receive a letter from your pastor granting permission for the baptism to take place here.
- Complete the Baptism Request Form and return it to the parish office.
- If you are not married you are required to provide an official record of your child’s birth certificate along with the form.
- There may be additional things required during the baptismal preparation process to help your family live more fully the Catholic life together.
- If this is the birth of your first child:
- You are asked to complete an online baptismal preparation program called Belonging by Ascension Press, featuring Fr. Mike Schmitz. You may do this together at your own schedule and pace from the comfort of your home! Once you complete the initial baptism request form, you will be given access to this online series to complete together. Please then give a copy of the certificate of completion to the parish office.
- After submitting your certificate, couples will be asked to attend a one-time baptism preparation session, in person. These are typically offered on the 1st Sunday of the month between the Sunday Masses in the parish office basement conference room.
- Then, complete the Catholic Godparent(s) [and Christian Witness, if there is one] Forms and return to the parish office.
- If this is not your first child and you’ve previously completed a preparation program:
- Then, complete the Catholic Godparent(s) [and Christian Witness, if there is one] Forms and return to the parish office.
- Once you’ve completed the process and returned all paperwork then a date can be set for your child’s baptism.
- Baptisms are typically offered the 2nd Sunday of the month at the 11.15 Mass or the 4th Sunday of the month between the Masses at 10 am.
On Godparent(s) and Christian Witnesses
Requirements for a practicing Catholic(s) to serve as a Godparent(s)
- Cannot be the child’s mother or father
- Have the intention of fulfilling the role of godparent
- Be a fully Initiated Catholic (received Baptism, Confirmation, and holy Communion)
- be at least 16 years of age
- Be leading a life in harmony with the catholic faith (registered in a parish, attends Mass on the Lord’s Day and Holy Days, and faithful to the laws of the Church regarding Marriage)
There must be at least one Catholic person to fulfill these requirements of a godparent.
If in addition, you wish to select a friend or family member who is a baptized non-Catholic Christian who lives the faith well, they may serve as a Christian Witness after they complete the Christian Witness Form.
Some Notes on the Celebration of Baptism at Saint Mary
For Baptism between the Masses: The celebration of baptism will begin at the baptismal font at 10 am or shortly after. The parents, child, and godparent(s) and Christian Witness (if any) should gather together at the head of the font in front of the main doors. Family and friends can gather off to one side of the font. The priest or deacon will come to the back to begin the ritual. In the beginning of the ritual when parents are asked what name they’ve given their child, please state their formal first and middle names.
For Baptism at the 11.15 Mass: Pews will be reserved for family and friends in the front of the church. In the Introductory Rites, the parents, child, and godparent(s) and Christian Witness (if any) will be called forward to the bottom of the sanctuary steps for the beginning rites of baptism, then they will be asked to return to their pew. In the beginning of the ritual when parents are asked what name they’ve given their child, please state their formal first and middle name. After the homily, the family will be invited to follow the priest to the baptismal font in the rear of the church for the celebration of baptism.