The Bicentennial Jubilee Portal above the Main Entrance to the Church.

Sacramental Preparation for Baptized Children

O God, who bring us to participate in the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection of your Son, grant, we pray, that, strengthened by the spirit of adoption as your children, we may always walk in newness of life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

Sacramental Preparation Information

If your child intends to present himself/herself for these sacraments, and you are raising them in the active practice of the faith and are committing to continuing to do so, please place these important dates on your calendar now. It is expected that the child and their parent(/s) attend these sessions (unless they are for parents only in the case of penance and holy communion prep). If there is a serious conflict, it is your responsibility to contact the sacramental preparation director in advance of the session. Please communicate this information to any extracurricular programs your child may be involved in – especially the weekend Confirmation Retreat to eliminate any difficulties immediately before important spiritual events.

The Sacramental Preparations Schedule is posted each June for the coming year so families can plan accordingly.


Some Important Information, please read each closely as some my apply to your family or situation:

Religious Education for Homeschooled Children or Children who attend a Catholic school other than St. Mary School and Sacramental Preparation
If you are a registered family in St. Mary of the Assumption parish, have a child that is homeschooled and uses a catholic religious education curriculum for religious education, or if your child has been attending a Catholic school other than St. Mary, and your child is in 2nd grade or 8th grade, had religious education last year, and could begin preparing for the sacraments of penance and holy Communion or Confirmation, please email the name of your child, how he or she is/has been receiving religious education, and family contact information to .

A Note to St. Mary School Families and Sacramental Preparation
Since the young people who make up the student body at St. Mary School come from many different parishes, there may exist some confusion on where the sacraments of first holy Communion and Confirmation are to be celebrated. These Sacraments of Initiation are to be celebrated in the parish church where the person receiving the sacrament is a parishioner. If there is some extenuating circumstance, it is then the responsibility of the child’s family to speak with their parish pastor so he can make a decision as to how best to proceed with the child’s reception of a sacrament. The parish we belong to is our spiritual home and the community where our faith is nurtured and supported. In a parochial school setting where the student body is made up of parishioners from different parishes, it is important that the host parish does not assume a role that it doesn’t have. Here at St. Mary School, we will always respect the relationship that our students have as parishioners at their own parishes.

Sacramental Preparation Coordinator
Miss Shana Leonard | 730.653.0997

A Note to St. Mary School Families

Since the young people who make up the student body at St. Mary School come from many different parishes, there may exist some confusion on where the sacraments of first holy Communion and Confirmation are to be celebrated. These Sacraments of Initiation are to be celebrated in the parish church where the person receiving the sacrament is a parishioner. If there is some extenuating circumstance, it is then the responsibility of the child’s family to speak with their parish pastor so he can make a decision as to how best to proceed with the child’s reception of a sacrament. The parish we belong to is our spiritual home and the community where our faith is nurtured and supported. In a parochial school setting where the student body is made up of parishioners from different parishes it is important that the host parish does not assume a role that it doesn’t have. Here at St. Mary School, we will always respect the relationship that our students have as parishioners at their own parishes.

Preparation for Confession and Holy Communion in 2024-2025

2024 - 2025
Sun. Oct 20Family "Church Search"11.45 am - 1 pmThe Basilica
Sun. Dec. 15Penance Preparation Session for Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
Sun. Feb. 2Holy Communion Preparation Session 1 for Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
Mon. Feb. 3Sacramental Form for Holy Communion Due
Sun. Mar. 30Holy Communion Preparation Session 2 for Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
Thurs. Apr. 3Penance service with 1st Confession for children6.30 pmThe Basilica
Sat. May 3First Communion Retreat: All St. Mary Parish Children9am-10.30 amThe Basilica and Spirit Center
Sun. May 410.30 am Mass with First Holy Communion – Children will meet by 10 am10 and 10.30 am MassThe Basilica and Spirit Center

Preparation for Confirmation in 2024-2025

Sun. Sept. 29Confirmation Preparation Session I: Candidates & Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
Sun. Nov. 17Confirmation Preparation Session II: Candidates & Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
Sun. Nov. 17Confirmation Retreat Registrations Due
Mon. Dec. 2Sacramental Form and Sponsor Form Due
Mon. Dec. 9Confirmation Letter to Fr. Eilerman Due
Sun. Jan. 26Confirmation Preparation Session III: Candidates & Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
Sat. Feb. 22Confirmation Retreat9am - 4 pmImmaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (Formerly Pope St. John XXIII) Canal Winchester
Sun. Mar. 2Confirmation Preparation Session IV: Candidates & Parents11.45 am - 1 pmEmerald Campus
TBDConfirmation Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors (or a parent stand-in)The Basilica
TBDMass w/ConfirmationThe Basilica