Lord God of Holiness, You have called us to be the servants of Your servants – Our brothers and sisters in the parish. We meet as their representatives, and so we ask for the grace of Your guidance. Help us to represent them well and not simply ourselves. May the true needs of our parish and the common good of all be our concern. And above all, may Your Will in these matters become our Will. Help us who serve in leadership remember that all of our concerns are to be in service of the spiritual transformation of our parish community. May the material aspects we discuss not blind us to the primary work of our parish: The holiness of her members. May the Holy Spirit who inspired the Pentacost meeting of the apostles, visit us and grant us the light of Divine Wisdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

The Preamble of our Parish Pastoral Council Constitution


We the People of God under the patroness of Mary of the Assumption, profess our belief that we are a pilgrim people seeking holiness and eternal salvation, and having the right and just duty to worship Almighty God, to proclaim the Holy Gospel in word and deed, and to love and serve our neighbour in our local community.

The general purpose of the Council shall be to advise and assist the Pastor in his duties as shepherd and canonical administrator of the parish. Providing the Pastor with the different perspectives and insights of members of the parish community, the Council will aid the Pastor in making reasoned and well-informed decisions in his leadership of the parish.

Members of Pastoral Council Spiritual Year August 2023 – May of 2024

Members at Large

  • Kyle Hesterman, President
  • Richard Miller, Vice President
  • Sheila Heath, Secretary
  • Cathy Barrows
  • Sue Christian


  • Debbie Clark
  • Kevin Crabtree
  • Mikel McClellan
  • Ian Wohrer
  • Joseph Wilhelm

Ex officio and Parish Staff

  •   , Youth Rep.
  •  ,  Youth Rep.
  • Fr. Craig R. Eilerman
  • Fr. James Colopy
  • Dcn. Frank Sullivan
  • Kayla Elrich
  • Audrey Bennett