6 April 2020
Monday of Holy Week

View the Mass Readings

While the Servant whom the prophet Isaiah references in today’s reading is likely Israel itself, the implication for us isn’t so much the identity of the Servant, but what the Servant is called to do and how he is called to do it. As we begin Holy Week, this is especially significant for us, for we look to the example of Jesus as servant and Savior—one who brings forth justice, love, and light amid tremendous suffering and sacrifice, and he does this with humility and compassion.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus defends Mary’s humble and loving action of washing his feet, an action that, in his time, would typically have been performed by a servant of the household. Realizing the suffering he will soon endure; Jesus is obviously touched by this act of love and care. Mary is held up as a model of service while this also foreshadows Jesus’ washing the feet of his disciples. In addressing Judas’ criticism of Mary, Jesus is not dismissing the needs of the poor but instead is emphasizing that Mary’s act of devotion is priceless to him.

And that’s the lesson for us today. How can we follow Mary’s example this Holy Week? How can we give our time to the Lord? Perhaps it is spending extra time in personal prayer, reading to and drawing closer to Jesus, participating in the liturgical celebrations via our computer or radio, remembering our Savior’s deep love for us, or sharing our gifts with others may it be on the phone or in physical distancing.