Safe Haven Sunday is a weekend set aside by dioceses and parishes to directly address the harms of pornography appropriately. Within the context of the Mass, dioceses and parishes are able to provide teaching and resources that will support and protect individuals, marriages and families in making all homes a safe haven.

Resources and Links provided by the Diocese of Columbus (reference)


CourageRC– Catholic Apostolate for those with same-sex attraction

LIFE TEEN INTERNATIONAL– Offers Catholic resources on LGBT+ questions for teens and youth ministers, including the biographical book In Pursuit.

EDEN INVITATION– original personhood beyond the LGBT+ paradigm.

COURAGE INTERNATIONAL– A Roman Catholic apostolate offering retreats, conferences, and regional support groups, as well a parent’s ministry, Encourage

CATHOLIC WOMEN’S FORUM– Offers a transgender resource collection compiled from theological, scientific, legal, and cultural perspectives

Virtues in Practice – Free online materials that are based on the virtues to promote social emotional health through the lens of our Catholic faith.  This program was developed by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecelia located in Nashville.

Education in Virtue – Materials that can be purchased that are based on the virtues to promote social emotional health through our Catholic faith.  This program was developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary located in Ann Arbor Michigan.

Family Life – RCL Benziger Materials that can be purchased, which focus on teaching children about the beauty of sexuality and what to expect at the onset of puberty. The materials are infused with the positive language of Theology of the Body and geared for approximately 5th grade.

Theology of the Body- Ruah Woods Institute– Offers resources Kindergarten – Grade 12

Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET)– Offers resources Preschool -Grade 8- The Body Matters

Chastity Project

Sexaholics Anonymous (Support groups for those who struggle with pornography & sexual addiction)

Integrity Restored (Catholic site with resources for individuals and families affected by pornography)

Fight the New Drug (Secular website about the harmful effects of pornography)

Covenant Eyes (Accountability Software)

Bloom for Catholic Women (For Catholic women healing from the trauma of their husband’s porn use) (Catholic site to help parents navigate media and speak to their children about pornography)


Join over 1.5 million people who’ve used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.